Sunday 9 January 2011


One of the biggest questions I ever asked myself was 'what is my worth?' (loosely translated as, my life's purpose). Brought up into a family where I never felt a sense of belonging or connection, I remember staring through my bedroom window, hypnotised by a windy sky. If you stared at one particular cloud, your eyes were guided across the window until the cloud was mystically blown out of sight. I would stare at the clouds for what seemed like hours, seeing all kinds of creatures and shapes. And during this time, I would ask these questions to myself.

My Worth

As the day impresses its newness upon me
The sun's warmth drawing a smile from my lips
My disposition bright and untarnished
Where opportunities are within reach and visible to my touch
I am connected to the vast possibility; that is the Universe
Dynamically expanding and creating
through my own experience
I have everything before me
I am the lucky and the unfortunate
For my true purpose is known to me
And I will know who I am?

Lily Basnet

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