Tuesday, 19 April 2011


'How frail the human heart must be - a mirrored pool of thought'

Sylvia Plath

I only developed an interest in Sylvia Plath's poetry quite recently, I preferred Ted Hughes' style of writing. But after revisiting some of her work, I found myself appreciating her genius in a completely different light. The imagery that resonates from her words is powerful, evocative and thoroughly unique. She has the ability to exude an intense rawness in her images, paralleled by a sensitive vulnerability that leaves you with a mishmash of emotions. I'm sure countless numbers of people could break down her words to a thousand different meanings and still not reach their true depth. I include part of 'Ariel' below (written about her horse), because it inspired a poem from myself that was stylistically different.


Stasis in darkness.
Then the substanceless blue
Pour of tor and distances.

God's lioness,
How one we grow,
Pivot of heels and knees! - The

Splits and passes, sister to
The brown arc
Of the neck I cannot catch,

Berries cast dark

Sylvia Plath

This poem was inspired by the thoughts of love and how the state of love can hold us prisoner.

Our Binds

Bengal markings,
Charge the day!
Consistent and fresh;
The marbled waves create - an inward smile,
Impressing two hearts, with their constance.
Deep seas of attachment,
And hidden depths -

Not unlike - my cupid's bow,
How far, the arrow tip can slew.
Silver tipped adorns the soul
I mind not its sting -
For depth and sting, are two of
the same
Let it bear itself deeper,
My love knows not its own bounds.
It is limitless!
Profound in ordinariness;
Only a trained eye - of such keeness,
Could discern its vows.

But there it is!
I am both the prison and its
Make of it - what you will;
For slumber's love is a seeker's
The connectedness of each cell,
every atom.
And I am slave thus:
For an eternity -
Feel not these chains.


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