Thursday, 19 July 2012


Simply...for the love of my life.

Our love

Mine ache is yours; and yours is mine,
The heart that sings, n'er out of time,
This love has grown, the wings it's spread,
Such iron bonds; spun gossamer threads.
Should love bear weight, it's mass awry;
This earth could not hang in the sky,
Should love bear time, the clock has stopped,
Eternal, infinitesimal, granite as rock,
With you - this love has lived its time;
The past, present, future as one infinite line.


Wednesday, 4 July 2012


Each of us has within us this internal guidance system which has its own wisdom, knowledge and intuition that is completely unique to every individual. And due to this, it can be very difficult to offer advice to people. Ultimately they are living life from their own filter or perspective and deep down they can only know what decisions feel right for them. Every person is on their own journey. At times, this truth can be disconcerting and isolating, but conversely it offers great comfort and empowerment when we make those important decisions from our own wisdom, and they go on to contribute to our long term growth and happiness.

Last night, I went to bed troubled and worried about something. I was feeling emotions of panic, anxiety, fear, loss and lack. Although these feelings are not unfamilar to me, I naturally gravitate towards a place of abundance, lightness, joy and trust, so predictably I had a restless sleep. Whilst dreaming, a sentence or mantra was running through the backdrop of my dream and this sentence was 'From moment to moment - choose love; not fear'. I woke up and felt slightly better. I realised that I had a choice to cultivate thoughts that increased those fearful feelings or I could begin to cultivate thoughts that soothed and brought relief to those original feelings. How many of us use words or thoughts that create lack and fear in our lives? It is powerful to know that we do have a choice in how we talk to ourselves. It can take some time and persistance, but the benefits of acquiring this skill are made manifest in our life.

Does a flower mourn its own
Papery thin - and gaunt,
Its beauty faded, no longer tangible,
Water seeping into stems; unable to
support life any longer;
Quietly it fades,
Without fanfare - or farewell...


Thursday, 28 June 2012


I attended a beautiful wedding on the weekend. It was made extra special by the love, warmth and kindness exhibited by the guests. People connected, interacted and made merry til the early hours. The couple shared stories of love for eachother, their family and friends. It was a space for love, generosity and appreciation and it prompted me to reminisce on my own wedding proposal, which happened over a decade ago!

Will you marry me?

Under the sky of Bradda Head -
One midsummer's eve;
You set me down,
Collected my dreams and intentions;
And made them free.

In that single moment -
With the waves crashing around;
Not a cloud could be seen,
My heart leapt to a beat;
To join a cacophany of sound.

You set my soul alight,
With your words;
My mind ablaze and my heart just
I skipped down the hill -
To our evermore.


Thursday, 21 June 2012


Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings (Anais nin) 

After complaining to my husband that I would like him to show me more love and affection; he replied 'You wouldn't like it if I were to drown you in my would be suffocating!' And from this exchange, I was inspired to write the following:

Drown me

Drown me in your love you say;
What if I could swim those seas?
Bask in the sunlight - that warms the surface,
To certain depths;
And reflect back those kisses,
Petals floating - upon the ripples,
Perfectly malleable to life's direction.
Seize this moment;
For you hold my heart, Crushed!
between your fingers,
Should you desire it.


Tuesday, 15 May 2012


Water Raining

Water astonishing and difficult altogether makes a meadow and a stroke
 (Gertrude Stein)

We have had a lot of rain this spring! The trees, parks and plants are green, bright and verdant and most people are miserable! Except me! I actually love the rain, there is something profoundly soothing about being inside and hearing the pitter patter of the rain on the roof or windows. And walking along feeling the crispness in the air as though all the dirt and pollution has been washed away clean, and I am hidden (protected) underneath a bright umbrella. The rain is a perfect accompaniment to indulging those pensive and deeper thoughts. It is as though one has a friendly audience, a willing participent in those thoughts and time can stop. It is strangely hypnotic! And then there is also the potential anticipation of an inevitable change coming about, maybe a rainbow or even the sun making an appearance in an otherwise grey, wet landscape.

The rain pours -
And pours some more;

I am soothed inside,
This steady song

No need to cry -
But blink my eyes

The clock, such hands;
That tick and rock

A steady tune -
That doesn't stop

The leaves though smile;
With ardent heart

Their wishes granted -
They have no part

And so it pours -
and pours some more;

My solitude accompanied;
By a musical score


Saturday, 5 May 2012


The following poem was inspired in self reflection. I recognise that as we wake to a new day, our cells, tissues and body is a different version to the day before. We are never the same from one day to the next, let alone from one moment to the next. Life consists of moments, ordinary moments, sad moments, familiar moments and great moments and we are creating every single moment either consciously or unconsciously. And creation is constant. We get older every second as our body moves through those moments in life towards it's natural closure. How many of us stop to appreciate the incredible design that is our physical body? A body that will eventually come to an end of it's life, it's purpose met. As woman, we should appreciate those moments when we feel beautiful, the feminine energy that emanates through the physical form is sensual, captivating, gentle, seductive and powerful.


You will never be as beautiful; as you are in this moment.
Spring - wells up in your essence; and the light shines from your eyes.
Your soul, mind and body that you are; united as one.
From here, embers will glow and fade each passing day.
You wake, to a new version of an older version of you.
Look not to the mirror, for this cloak of illusion will dampen your sight.
Surrender - youth and beauty will retreat gently;
Tenderly it will step away and with grace, go deeper to new depths.
Seek out new sight -
And love this new self wholeheartedly;
For you were born to learn these truths,
Don't let fear steal away your dreams.


Tuesday, 17 April 2012


What was I seeking when I wrote this poem? love! It was inspired by the idea that we are always seeking something - whether it be connection, reassurance, love, happiness, contentment, success, health or wealth. But usually that which we are seeking; is within us all along, and we just have to surrender ourselves to that possibility. In regard to love, we seek it in so many places, but in fact love can be anywhere or nowhere simultaneously.

You Seek Me Here

You seek me here,
I am the nectar within the bloom,
I am the hum of the breeze,
I am the twinkle of a distant star,
I am the love mirrored from a lover's gaze,
I am the stillness in a landscape,
I am the promise of growth and change,
I am your past, present and future,
I am - as it is,
You seek me there.


Sunday, 18 March 2012


Ask any older person about their life and they will all agree on one thing: that time goes by a lot quicker than you think. We were all born with dreams, desires, potential and secret gifts of genious. But when the practicality of life kicks in (paying rent, bills and taking responsiblity for yourself), those initial dreams and desires become a distant memory. We stop feeling a sense of wonder about the world, we stop being curious and excited, we stop loving ourselves and eachother, we stop trying new things. Khalil Gibran's quote comes to mind: 'The lust for comfort, kills the passions of the soul.'

So I personally make a little note to myself, a reminder to do the following: (just a few, the list could go on for a while...)

Stare up at the sky
Smell and touch a perfect rose
Feel a sense of luck when I find a penny
Take time out in the day to do something that I love
Love my pets
Calm myself and center myself when I feel stressed or overwhelmed
Be open to opportunities
Spend 5 mins a day actioning my goals
Appreciate diversity in the world, but align with my desires
Laugh whenever I can

Time moves faster than we can comprehend

How can I impress upon you the
delicateness of life?
Let this first weigh upon you.
Time moves it's moments quickly;
A kaleidoscope of memories,
Catch this brevity and let it still your
This passion -
You were born from the stars;
Embrace this mantle,
And scatter such delusions!
Especially the camaraderie of self


Sunday, 4 March 2012

Weeping willow

I have always been drawn to the weeping willow tree. There are a couple of these trees in Hyde Park that hold my attention for a long while, sending me into a reverie of thought. They are a unique spring addition to the snowdrops and look both playful and doleful on the landscape. Symbolically, they are linked to the moon and water and everything feminine. They help us to get in touch with our emotions, intuition and inner wisdom and spending time around a willow,s moon energy helps us to express our emotions in an authentic way and shifts us to greater personal understandings.

Alongside hazel and birch, the willow draws water naturally and when a twig or branch is disconnected, it will easily grow into a new tree; highlighting that any loss or new direction can bring forth growth and healing.

I included part of one of my favourite verses on weeping willows by 'Apple Leong.'

Weeping willow

Facade, aura, irridescent green and gold,
Yet sad and forlorn story to be told.
How long as thy wept?
Pandora's box of secrets kept?
Oh weeping willow,
Do you persist in sorrow?
Wisdom stamped from bearded leaves,
Languid whisper in your swaying sleeves...

Weeping willow

How graceful the weeping willow weeps;
Tendrils - brushing gently the ground,
Head bowed and humbled,
And a gentle hushing and swishing sound.

Her voice whispers and urges;
Drawing forth to the surface our internal flow,
Crafted in the expressive arts,
A lifetime of mastery of such art and skill.

She reminds us of such roots;
In times long gone,
The heart of the heart,
Her enchantments and wisdom,
Live through us and on.


Wednesday, 29 February 2012


At times in my life I have felt an intense urge to protect or be strong for the family and friends that I love and care for. This urge has translated into my going beyond the call of duty, in variable ways. It has most times created unhealthy dynamics and co-dependencies (that have taken time, unnecessary pain and patience to heal and change). Although at the time I felt that I was doing the right thing, I now realise that this kind of giving can be disempowering to the person I am trying to help in the first place. Also, it can be incredibly draining on your own internal resources and 'you cannot give, what you don't have within.' We cannot protect people from their pain, but we can respect, support and allow their choices. And love them openly and unconditionally; and see them as whole and complete and fully capable of any challenge that comes their way.

The Law of the Jungle

Now this is the law of the Jungle - as old and true as
the sky;
And the Wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the 
Wolf that shall break it must die.
As the creeper that girdles the tree trunk the Law
runneth forward and back -
For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the
strength of the Wolf is the Pack.

(Rudyard Kipling)

Know This!

In all the moments up to the moment;
I will be there.

A marble pillar of resolve and
Draw from me,
I have much reserves.

Rest your load on my shoulders;
I gladly carry it.

Place your fears into my lap;
I will care for them tenderly.

Seek nothing but love from me;
For that is all I surrender.

In all the moments up to the moment;

I am your Goliath, your Hercules,
your oak tree;
Side by side, hand in hand,
Heroically bending to the wills of life -

Up to that moment...


Monday, 6 February 2012


The following poem explores the concept of secrets and how carrying a secret for yourself or others can weigh heavily on the heart. It considers, not only the physiological nature of holding secrets, but also the psychological burden constructed of the lies and justifications we make to ourselves - that help us to merge the truth and the lies of such things into one small being or entity; that may be contained conveniently, but holds a mass of density and weight.

I have first included 'Robert Frost's poem, which conversely looks at the idea of those dark places, as spaces within oneself!

They cannot scare me with their empty spaces
Between stars - on stars where no human race is.
I have it in me so much nearer home
To scare myself with my own desert places.


I carry myself,
Hold tightly this burden;
Inside - layers
Meted upon it's own foundation stone.

Eyes around me - but do not see,
The secret lurks;
Sullen in it's murky depths.
Slowly it grows!

Despite mass and weight,
I store the extra pounds easily;
Forgetting where they originated -
This intimacy.

Denser and denser I become,
This womb and I;
There is no seperation -
Such divides are none.


Monday, 16 January 2012


A new year is upon us again, but not just any year! 2012 is meant to signify a change in consciousness for all people, as the Mayan calendar came quietly to a close. But this year personally signifies added value and importance for me; as we move into the Chinese year of the Dragon on the 23rd January. This being my birth year, it alludes to a period of time where my personal growth is accelerated greatly amidst great challenges, change and reward. It is more essential than ever to be aligned with one's higher self and in tune with the signs and language communicated by the universe. Being able to have discernment, clarity and judgement at such a time of growth is imperative to guide oneself through the obstacles and lessons ahead. Good luck and love to all fellow dragons!


The whisper of the universe is fragile, vulnerable,
formidable, reverent and powerful;
Are you brave enough to hear its
Take no shame in the collective fear,
Nor recompense this debt.
It takes a courageous soul - to be
home from home;
And to once again speak its
From time eternal.
But such reward, would meet you
and all you encounter -
Nurture such alliance!