Thursday, 26 May 2011


There comes a time in life where everything starts to feel very comfortable; work is good, relationships are built, one has become adept at managing every aspect of their life. And we are happy with the constancy of it all. But! There is always a 'but'. This 'but' comes before a nagging sense of frustration or dissatisfaction that one is not excelling in life, and has become accustomed to compromise. If our life suddenly brings forth some challenge, we are distracted by this for a while and forget these nagging feelings of frustration until everything is once again in a place of peace. Then those feelings once more appear. The answer to this, would of course be to stay in the present moment - always! remain non-judgemental towards yourself and others, stay true to your self, appreciate everything, find sources of inspiration, stay connected to your true desires and action your intentions! Easier said than done, but we have a lifetime to practice!


Like a piece of driftwood,
I am afloat.
Still - upon the river,
The canvas changes before my eyes.
Hypnotised - by the moving picture,
Seasons pass by; from shade to shade
not stormy eye, nor summer's glade
Can make me reign,
My life drawn in
Until I am nudged - to wake again.



Wednesday, 11 May 2011


 'Without fear, then courage doesn't exist.'

Change can be difficult, because the unknown is scary! And some of us would rather stay in a negative and draining life situation (a job we don't like, an injury that prevents us living life fully etc) rather than allow and action new opportunities that present themselves, to bring colour and regeneration into our lives. And those new opportunities are always there waiting in the wings, if only we would open our eyes to them! But change represents a personal growth in ourselves; which in turn has an indirect effect on those around us. We can become masters or experts in resisting change, creating imaginative and intricate justifications within ourselves, that can become as powerful as to make us ill or fatigued. And sometimes the people closest to us can unconsciously challenge any change within you, because indirectly they are nudged into their own reflections. Be aware of the resistance within yourself and lovingly let this state of awareness lead to a softening, which will in turn allow things to flow.

The Shedding of The Skin

The shedding of the skin;
Begins when one is ready -
It requires a humble space
Where time is made available -
For it's desiderata.

Shifting and squirming,
Can be done with dignity -
In the quiet of the cocoon, but;
Do not despair - for I am but all
and the same,
With the shedding of a layer,
No longer required.

Should people proffer help,
One can get stuck between the
Old and the new;
Unable to take courage and drive
It's momentum.
We are half in and half out;
The added burden of -
transformation unfulfilled.


Wednesday, 4 May 2011


'to fear or not to fear'

'Kent Davidsson' explores the concept of fear in some detail in his articles published on the net. He considers how society encourages us to heavily judge, ignore or deny our fears and this in turn creates more fear. Where there is fear, there is no love! This is an interesting concept, for if light and darkness cannot co-exist in the same energy space of an individual's emotional body, neither can fear and love. The dark, dense energy space of fear blocks our loving potential and the only way through it, is to get into that space fully (as uncomfortable as that might be!) and embrace our fear. Like a loving parent who loves unconditionally and non-judgementally; by doing this we are coming from a place of self acceptance.

'that is the paradox of fear. It negates love, yet will persist until it is loved'

So the path to handling fear is to come from a state of unconditional, loving self acceptance. This might sound easy, but we have been conditioned throughout our life to dump huge amounts of negative feelings onto ourselves when feeling fearful (guilt, blame, shame etc) and it takes careful awareness and persistency at mastering this skill. But it is worth doing, because when fear is handled in this way, then the fear is healed and released and not contained in the body.

We must love our fear unconditionally as we do the emotion of love, and then we are not controlled by the state of fear. We have the choice to face and overcome our painful emotions and not avoid them. This is the path of growth, and growth is necessary throughout our journey in life. The greater the resistance, the more intense the desire that it creates.

Beautifully put:

'it is nearly impossible to imagine our fully healed states - just as a caterpillar can't imagine itself as a butterfly'

Below is a poem by Hart Crane:


The host, he says that all is well
And the fire-wood glow is bright;
The food has a warm and tempting smell, -
But on the window licks the night.

Pile on the logs...Give me your hands,
Friends! No, - it is not fright...
But hold me...somewhere I heard demands...
And on the window licks the night.

Hart Crane

Don't Open the Door!

Don't open the door,
You know who it is.
Slide it open an inch,
And it will slime it's way in.
Thick, oppressive black smoke,
Shrouded in doubts.
It'll push you to the corner,
And never let you out!

Don't open the door,
For you won't like your guest.
He'll eat all your food,
And sleep in your bed.
He'll fatten on doubts,
And breathe through your fears.
He'll grow into a monster,
That'll live inside you for years!